Brian Kirwin opines if today is the turning point of the fall elections, and laughs at the single worst poll he’s ever seen.
Episode 08: Worst Poll Ever, and Stock Market Handing Losses to Democrats

You taught me years ago about reading “Internals” of polls to determine if they are relevant. As a researcher in my line of work, I always look into the internals of statistics used by proponents of a subject.
25% of people in the poll are not even registered to vote? A fact blythely ignored by proponents in the Media.
Interesting contrast in Political ads by the Local Congressional Contest. Luria clearly is tone deaf when it comes to the issues that impact people in the district.
Your analysis of the providence of the voters who are being targeted by the ads could not be clearer. One is about a single issue, the other is about what the candidate will do for the people in the district.
It is the economy, stupid…
36% approval? And they insist that they are working for the “people”?